Hungry for Wellness

You are hungry for wellness. In order to be made well, it is important that you recognize you’re already well-made by Me. Find this holy wholeness at your core, in spiritual realms of Goodness woven into every fiber of your being. I mean that! Instead of focusing on what is broken, out of shape, or “imperfect”, tap into seeing the truth of My perfect design. I love you exactly as you are. Find that place inside your soul that knows this to be true, and reintroduce yourself. Commit to taking care of yourself while also being kind to yourself at all costs. This is where true wellness comes into fruition.

#madewhole; #wellness; #perfectjustasyouare; #selfcare

When You Are Worn Out

When you are worn out, sad, or fearful, I see it all. Today is a new day, though. I ask you to attend to self-care first before helping others. When you feel unsafe, fragile, or broken, I am here; at work in you and in your life. Your Goodness touches others in ways you don’t even realize. Instead of focusing on what you haven’t gotten done, replenish your spirit by knowing My renewing Grace is free. I am here to help you be self-forgiving and clean out those messy thoughts trying to put yourself down. Find rest and comfort with Me as we rebuild your strength and self-esteem.

#Godshelp; #youareGood; #selfcare; #youwillfindrest

Healthy Choices

I can help you take good care of yourself, – even better than you have already been doing on your own. I desire to support healthy habits. What do you need My help with today? Better nutrition? More physical activity? Quiet time with Me? Ask and you shall receive. When you turn to Me for help, you’ll find we are aligned in goals related to your wellness. I’ll help make these things happen for you with healthy choices becoming easier as you rely upon My assistance. Be bold with the ask and I can help you make real progress toward your wellbeing.

#takebettercareofyourself; #wellness; #askforGodshelp; #healthychoices

Glorious Things I Intend You to Experience

I have made you well for a reason. There are glorious things I intend for you to see and experience in this life. Ready yourself for the travels ahead. Simplify and let go of things bogging you down – clutter, belongings, unnecessary obligations. Be selective in how you invest your time and money, frugally choosing to spend without extravagance right now. Watch for signs of the Good Plan in store, and be ready to take off when it is time. 

#beready; #simplify; #Goodthingsinstore; #nomoreanxiety

Love is the Next Best Thing

Just love. My message to you today is as simple as that. Some use the phrase “do the next best thing”. I can assure you that if your motivation is to show love, it will definitely be the next best thing you can do. It’s important to toss some healthy self-love in the mix, too. Your whole life doesn’t have to be about serving others to the point of depleting yourself. Do what is needed to fill your bucket first, then go out refreshed and ready to live and love well. 

#justlove; #dothenextbestthing; #bekindtoyourself; #showGodslove

No Need to Over-Indulge

Taste. Breathe. These sensations can bring simple pleasures that I designed and crafted unique to each person. Some smells and tastes bring aversion; others, fond memories and delight. Take note of the smell and taste as your food is being prepared today or consumed to sustain life. Let Me ask you: are you eating to live, or living to eat? It is important to care for your body respectfully and not neglect it. I am a God who provides pleasure, comfort, and healing through food. There’s no need to over-indulge. I bring sustenance and Goodness, and there is room at my table for all to take, eat, and have their fill.

#enough; #tasteandseetheGoodness; #roomforall; #eattolive

Perhaps it is Time to Take a Rest

My glory is sometimes a mystery which I unfold in tiny glimpses along the way because it is too brilliant to behold all at once. Train yourself to step forward in patient trust, day by day. I will not give you too much to handle without equipping you. Your life should not involve more than you can bear; I don’t work that way. If you are feeling overburdened, perhaps it is simply time to take a rest. Self-care is just as essential as tending to others. Do not neglect the care of your vessel.

#takecareofyourself; #timeforrest; #nomoreanxiety; #trustinGod

Be Strengthened to Manage

Take care of yourself, including tending to your need for food, exercise, and rest. Build in time for conversations with Me daily as part of that self-care, too, because I want to build up your spiritual self, as well. I cannot implement the big plans I have in store for you until you can be strengthened to manage all that will be involved. There are many demands on your time. Gently I call you to be reminded that My well does not run dry. You can dip your ladle in these life-giving waters of Grace as many times as is needed to quench your parched body. As you extend yourself and thirst for more water, I will replenish and recharge your body and spirit. You will be ready for a multitude of tasks requiring your energy and concentration if you come to the well frequently. 

#selfcare; #thewelldoesnotrundry; #Graceisenough; #youwillbeready

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Be kind to yourself today. Actually, do that EVERY day. It will be easier to treat others kindly when you practice this on yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over everything you eat, say, and do. Rehashing everything in your head isn’t serving you well, either. The truth is, I love you unconditionally! I want you to enjoy your food, cut yourself some slack, and be more playful today.  Your kindness, like your compassion, will shine through. You are helping others in ways you may not even recognize.

#dontbeatyourselfup; #bekind; #unconditionallove; #nomoreanxiety

When You Feel Defeated

Cast your cares upon Me. Send Me ALL of them, – not just the ones you think are ‘worthy’ of My attention. I care about all of your wishes, dreams, and worries, so don’t hold back. I also know when you feel defeated. I am listening, resolving, and I aim to comfort you. Drink from My well of thirst-quenching water sent to soothe your innermost thoughts. Let Me help make it well in your soul. I am here for you.

#undefeated; #youvegotthis; #itiswellwithmysoul