Prayerful Exercise

Just as your body needs exercise to stay well, so does your mind and Spirit. Devoting time for prayerful exercise, working on being calm and building muscles of trust in Me daily, will do much for your wellness. Watch your attitude match your capability as you head into the day, facing the unknown with complete trust that I will equip and sustain you. I supply just enough of what you need to get through your day. I am a reliable God, and I won’t be stingy or absent when it comes to meeting your needs. Make your prayer requests known to Me and exercise trust and gratitude in the fact that I hear and attend to your every need. 

What We’re Worried About

Most of what we’re worried about never comes true. Release your worries and cares prayerfully into My capable hands. Be confident that I am still attending to every detail even in this confusing time. Close your eyes, finding that still, small place where we can commune without words. I send you My Love-light. Let it wash over concerns that linger. Experience My Grace pouring over these moments, freeing you to relax and find the source of all peace. I am with you, in you, and I have plans in store beyond your capacity to imagine right now. Have faith that what I have in store is ultimately going to bring Goodness. You can trust that I will meet your needs one day at a time. 

What I Did Was Enough

Why do you stress out with mental replays of the day before or past interactions? What’s done is done. Regretting that you didn’t do more or say the right thing won’t help. Nestle into My reassuring arms, trusting Me to make something Good come out of everything. I suggest that when anxious thoughts creep up, train yourself to say, “What I did was enough. God will take care of the rest.” The hardest part is choosing to believe this very truth.  Be consoled by the fact that you don’t have to fix everything. Offer Me your best and I will do whatever mending is needed.

Trust Me Even Without the Answers

I know you are waiting for something “profound” to be spoken to you. You look to Me for grounding and direction, and I will do both things. First, be rooted in My word and My love. From there you will be compelled to move in the right direction. You might not recognize it in advance, and planner-that-you-are wants all the answers up front. You can trust Me even without the answers. Let Me guide you slowly. Read My words and work on knowing love. Starting from there, the rest will fall into place.

Trusting the Decisions

I made you a smart person who is capable of clear thinking, sound judgment, and good decision-making. Even with all that ability, though, sometimes life hands out situations that are hard to sort out. I can tell you this much: as you make your choices, I will never leave your side. When you ask for My guidance, I will lead the way. You have to work on trusting the decisions and not looking back or second-guessing the choices that are made. Move on, facing forward with determination, faith, confidence, and peace of mind. Knowing I am with you always will help you rest. You can’t go wrong with Me.

Left Standing After the Storm

When your head is in a fog and weighed down by too many things, lift up your chin. Look up! My hand is ever-changing the world around you. Tilt your face in My direction and utter a sense of trust in My plans for you. I’ve got this. I know your whereabouts, your disappointments, and your concerns. Allow Me to water the soil around you as you experience the winds of change. Watch Me open up the skies of possibility. Things will be left standing even after the storm passes, including you. You can count on Me to be your shelter, bracing you for whatever you must weather next.

Know That I Am God

Our connection is true and valid. Faith is not a fake or worthless thing. (Try it again if you haven’t done it in a while). Stop the worldly pace long enough to be still and know that I am God. I want to calm your anxious thoughts, soothe your worried mind, and give you the gift of listening in total love to help soften your edges. I know the big picture for your life. Listen for My voice of love and tenderness for you. Seek Me with all your heart, and find Me already with you. You don’t have to face the world alone; I am here! Now and for always.

Cut Yourself Some Slack

You have a hard time giving yourself permission to take a break. Even when the break involves communication with Me, you still feel the urge to rush off and ‘be productive’ elsewhere. Cut yourself some slack. Get in tune with the essential nature of finding quiet time with Me. I can make your movement so much more efficient and effortless, but your striving must be for building My kingdom. Any other purpose will make you spin your wheels and burn out your engine. Be ignited for My plans, fueled by quiet thought and prayer time daily. Giving yourself room and permission to pause doesn’t make you a ‘slacker’. It’s essential to become grounded with Me first and foremost.