No Worries I’m Not Already Addressing

I am with you wherever you go. I see the needs and I hold all of them gently in the palms of My hands. You can be in a calm place today; take advantage of that. Relax and be patient. There are no worries I am not already addressing for you. There will be time for all you want. For now, it may be a time of simplicity. Doing without means leaning on Me. Isn’t that great? You can trust My Might and My Presence.

#whereveryougo; #Godiswithyou; #simplicity; #trustinGod

All Your Piles

Let’s take a look at all the piles entrenching your life and examine what has been built up, taking up your energy and attention. Some of it needs to be disposed of. Some, you must carry. Other piles you have been trying to hide in a corner, ignoring them or clinging with unwillingness to part with old ways. I see your piles. You cannot and don’t need to hide them from Me in embarrassment or shame. I notice all these things calling to you and leaving you overwhelmed, angry, and frustrated. Let Me help you clear a path, decreasing the clutter. Instead of blaming Me, ask Me to help tackle them one by one, a little at a time each day. I’ll help you figure out what to discard, what to attend to, and what needs to be put away for now. See how I make way to create something new, allowing you to breathe easier.

#reduceclutter; #nomoreanxiety; #makewayforthenew; #Godcanhelp

Listen to the Stillness

It is so important, yet rare, that you take the time for quieting. Listen to the stillness of this moment. Absorb it, opening your mind to this simplicity, – then you can hear My great voice. Today, be freed just to listen with no expectations placed on you. I call you to truly rest and bask in the quiet. You don’t have to always be productive in order to be loved by Me. Practice the art of meditation today. Be still and know that I am God. Know Me. Know I Am. Just be still.

#bestill; #simplicity; #hearGodsvoice; #nomoreanxiety

Get Rid of the Clutter and Haste

You can be inspired and inspiring. Watch those around you who live joyfully or peacefully, and emulate a lifestyle that devotes itself to those things. Simplicity is a spiritual discipline worth practicing and will help you get there. As you learn to simplify your choices, schedule, and environment, you make room for My spontaneity to enter. Slowing down your activity level will make you more receptive to the slight twists and bends of the journey I’d like to lead you on. I make ways in the wilderness. You’ll find the path I have marked for you. For now, get rid of the clutter and haste. Slowing and simplifying will bring greater joy and peace of mind to you. Less is more.

#slowing; #getridoftheclutter; #nomoreanxiety; #simplicitybringspeace

Life Doesn’t Have to Get to You

I have made it as easy as possible for you to receive My love and My gift of peace. It’s simple, really. I am already here! Ever-present and ever-ready to assist you to breathe ease into your anxious little heart. It takes one simple act on your part: to choose to believe in Me and receive this free gift. Choose Me. Choose “us”! Life doesn’t have to ‘get to you’ if you start to accept that I am already there for you, – never dropping or abandoning you. I will help you get through anything and everything. I even help you rediscover joy. Say yes to our togetherness and allow yourself to breathe a sigh of relief as I comfort you this way.

#nomoreanxiety; #choosebelief; #breatheeasier; #Godsfreegift

Let Me Soothe Away the Strain

Know that I am God. My desire isn’t to have you work yourself to the bone. I want you to treasure your spirit as I treasure you. Lay your weary head on My shoulder. Let Me soothe away the strain. I am indeed pleased with you. Work less hard in the sense of taking things one task at a time and not overwhelming yourself. Look for Me in the eyes of others who see you as kind, compassionate, and capable. They recognize your fatigue, too, so there’s no need to hide it. Close your eyes and rest on My shoulder as needed today. Let Me help comfort and rejuvenate you as you drink from My well.

#findrest; #dontworktoohard; #godshelpishere; #bekindtoyourself

Excited Observation

I call you to simplicity as a gift filled with My Peace. Find quiet contentment by taking a walk or just enjoying the birds.  Use excited observation with eyes open to My wonder. By enhancing your ability to be aware, you’ll find a vision for loveliness that allows healing. Stress will dissipate as you hone this skill of being present and fully aware in the moment.

#mindfulness; #nomoreanxiety; #findpeaceinthepresent; #awareness

Wellness Comes From Slowing Down

Try simplifying today. Don’t take on too much. Take simple steps, slowly attending to one thing at a time. Hurrying all the time and carrying such heavy loads of pressure is not healthy for your mind or Spirit. Wellness comes when you learn to slow down. What most needs to be done will get done, and the rest can apparently wait. Ask for My guidance to help you sort out priorities, trusting Me to handle the rest. I am with you and for you this way.

#slowdown; #nomoreanxiety; #calmingwords; #simplify

Try Being Playful

Try being playful today! Don’t worry so much about how you look or how you come across to others. Just enjoy life in a more carefree way. My Spirit likes it when you dance and laugh. I created you with an ability to have some fun. It’s not “silly” or embarrassing. Being lighthearted is essential for renewal. See how this choice helps you manage your anxiety better. Let down your guard and play!

#goplay; #letdownyourguard; #beLighthearted

Let Me Do the Heavy Lifting

Start with this: be still. Be still and know. Know simplicity. Trust the plain and simple truth that you are LOVED, – truly loved!  I am Good, and I am in you. Now, go and love others. Don’t make your day harder than it needs to be. Love yourself, love others. Lead by listening and being kind. Share. This is all good, simple, doable stuff. It doesn’t have to take anything extraordinary. Let Me do the heavy lifting today. Together we will carry out meaningful plans.