I Love You Already

You know that I love you already, right? I want Goodness for you in this day and for your tomorrows. Go now in peace, knowing I am with you. Remain in Me as you go this way or that. Walk lightly, filled with Light because I am with you wherever you go. I am already pleased with you. You have nothing to prove to Me. I work in and through you each and every day, and both now and later, it is Good. Trust this truth.

#youareloved; #Godiswithyou; #filledwithLight; #nothingtoprove

Divine Design

You are amazing! I see it and others are aware and appreciative of this truth in you, as well. Trust these words, My beloved one. You are filled with Goodness and talent, wrapped in empathy and compassion for others in a beautiful blend of qualities inherently embodied by you per My Divine Design. Walk with ease today, confident and at peace with who and Whose you are.

#youareenough; #designedbyGod; #nomoreanxiety; #beconfident

Do Not Disturb

Meet Me in the stillness. I know how hard it is to quiet your mind. The constant chatter can be unsettling at times, disturbing the peace nestled quietly in your core where I’ve placed it for all time. Picture putting up a sign in your mind’s traffic that says “Do Not Disturb”. Shush the rebuttals that try to disrupt this precious time with Me. Remember that My Presence is more powerful than the pressures of life, and My love for you is real, available right here and right now. Breathe in reassurance. Exhale stress and momentary anxiety. Soak in My calming love for you. This will give you sure footing for whatever the day holds in store.

#nomoreanxiety; #donotdisturb; #peaceisavailable; #Godisbigger

Be More Flexible & At Ease

Remember all of the good and helpful things I have been teaching you. Be “love-facing” instead of “fear-facing”, and find the peace inside of you already as you face all people and circumstances with inner calmness. Know that I not only have your back, I also have Good plans in store. Act natural, because you have exactly what is needed and are fully equipped to manage anything that comes your way today. You will find you can be more flexible and at ease as you place your confidence and trust in Me.

#notafraid; #innercalm; #Goodplansinstore; #youareenough

Peaceful Presence Between Each Breath

I have much to teach you about finding peace and comfort. Life certainly causes all sorts of pain: emotionally, physically, socially. The thing about My peace, though, is it is available even in the midst of really hard things. When life’s circumstances hurt or scare you, draw in to hear My voice. I love you and I am with you. Healing can and will come. Inhale confidence and exhale doubt. Find My Peace through awareness of My constant loving Presence between each breath.

#findpeace; #nomoreanxiety; #whenlifegetshard; #Godisthere

Bring Me Your Complaints

Come to Me with all your complaints. Present them to Me with this twist: try to not judge yourself harshly for feeling negative or objectionable from time to time. I appreciate ALL of you, including your grievances against others and life’s hardships or annoyances. I just don’t want you hovering or lingering in a place of anger and negativity for long. If you find yourself planning how to retaliate, it’s definitely time to hand the situation over to Me instead. Give Me the keys so I can control the response to what has locked you up. Let Me free you from whatever annoys and angers you so that you can experience the true peace I offer.

#nomorecomplaints; #getoverit; #letgoandletGod; #nomorenegativity

Peace In Between the Breaths

It is healthy to carve out time to sit with Me. I want you to concentrate on inhaling and exhaling, trying to find that space in between breaths where life’s planning and busy-ness escapes your mind. Be fully aware of My Presence there. This may be disconcerting at first, but over time with this practice you will find you long for this place of light, comfort, and love. It is available all day and every day, any moment you need it. I am with you and for you, offering peace and healing in the rhythm of your breaths.

#nomoreanxiety; #justbreathe; #Godiswithyou; #findpeace

Not In Your Hands

I need you. I need you to be well, too. Pull in the reins and remember that I reign. I am fully in charge of your life. Abide in Me as you have been. I want your inner peace and to show you treasures not of this world. Your trust and learning that it is not in your own hands to resolve can bring inner peace and calm. Your faith can be a great example to others, too. Where you are is nowhere near “desperate”, and I won’t even let you get close to that. You will survive whatever storm is coming your way, using confidence and My vision. Work hard, but also release your work to Me so you can relax. My gift to you will be a deep well of inner peace.

#trustinGod; #findpeace; #nomoreanxiety; #youwillsurvivethis

Shut Down the Anxious Thoughts

I am here. Truly here. Take a deep breath and shut down the anxious thoughts for a second. Relax your face and jaw and stop the constant pressure of forecasting your day. Everything will come together. Whatever doesn’t get done can wait for another day. I know this, and you can rely on Me to help organize, prioritize or set things aside. Breathe again- allowing My calming balm to ease your tension and remove some of that stress. Take My offering of peace of mind into your regimen, for this gift is available 24/7.

#nomoreanxiety; #Godwillhelp; #findpeace; #prioritize

Under the Power of My Love For You

Let’s start this day out easier. Unplug from the myriad of tasks awaiting you for a moment and sit with Me. Talk to Me about what you treasure and value. Share your worries and concerns with My attentive ears and gaze right before you. Don’t look away or get distracted by your phone Stay with Me long enough to be truly reminded of how much I am involved in your life. I am your Constant Companion who wants so much to sustain you and give you peace and joy. Stay here long enough for your insides to settle down and your anxiety to filter away under the power of My love for you.

#becalm; #nomoreanxiety; #talktoGod; #Godiswithandforyou