Stop Criticizing Yourself

You are not a mess. Even though there are parts of you that you wish were different, I love you exactly as you are. How much happier you would be if you stopped criticizing yourself all the time. Accept what is, and move on. Stop trying so hard to change. Allow yourself to be content within yourself here and now. So much of what you worry about doesn’t ever come true and doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. Be here now, and find peace in the present.

#selfacceptance; #youareGood; #nomoreanxiety; #findpeace

Practice Allowing Yourself to Be Happy

I have paved a new path ahead for you. Every day that you practice releasing anxiety and slowing your pace, life becomes more manageable. Trusting in Me like this is a freeing thing. Now, the next step is to practice allowing yourself to be happy and content. It’s been a lifetime of stress and obligations which led you into false beliefs and unnecessary habits of constant pressure, worry, and unhappiness. I can unravel those tendencies, teaching you a life of ease instead as you trust in My healing hand outstretched to support you. Believe in My Goodness and picture happy things in store, then watch them unfold into reality. 

#nomoreanxiety; #trustinGod; #pressureoff; #behappy

When Others Are Dealing With Troubles

It’s okay to feel content even when others are dealing with troubles of their own. You don’t have to feel guilty about this. There are ebbs and tides to all of life’s struggles. No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to fix everything for others. Even with Me in your life, there may be unresolved troubles and worries. Let Me help you show love and compassion to those you care about. I never promised a trouble-free life, but I do offer peace. Being content and releasing any concerns about things beyond your control to Me will help you experience peace. My capacity to heal is far-reaching and available to all. Allow Me to renew your hope and to take care of those you love.

#showcompassion; #letgoandletGod; #renewhope; #findpeace

Join Me Enthusiastically

It’s important to Me that you know how pleased I am with you and that your life can be entrusted to Me. I ask only for your belief. Why do you wrestle with fear and distrust, thinking the steps ahead seem too hard or unsatisfying? Remember Who I am, and My great love and good intentions for you. Fill your mind with the joy of comraderie knowing that you are on a dual mission with Me, the Maker of all.  You can find satisfaction even when the tasks are challenging or mundane. How can you not be excited about life knowing that I abide in you and you abide in Me? Join Me enthusiastically today so we can accomplish great works together.

Releasing Temporary Discomforts

The world measures by temporal things: comforts, wants, and concerns, – things that fade or do not sustain you. Find contentment right where you are, with no more and no less than you need. Practice releasing temporary discomforts, thoughts, or worries and needs into My capable hands, right in this moment. Sit quietly, absorbing My Presence as the most real want and solid satisfaction. I supply all things in due time. This day matters and your wishes matter to Me. My purpose for you, when we are in harmony, is doable and satisfying. Be fulfilled and content, working in sync with Me today and trusting that I hear your heart’s desires. I know what is best for you. Even as you mourn and groan, know that I stand by your side, fully attentive to you. All things in due time, My love. I am here.

What Catches the Eye

The world is full of vain pursuits of perfection. It’s so easy to be distracted by appearances and things other than My design or purpose for you. What catches the eye is not always what is essential to truly living well. Beware of eye-catchers that seek to become idols swaying you from healthier living and true pursuits. Look for My Guidance as I send genuine opportunities to satisfy your hunger for passion, recognition, and acceptance. Seek to hear My call to you at all times and look for opportunities to do what comes naturally to you. You don’t have to manufacture ways to be noticed in order to be pleasing in My sight. 

Happiness Can Fall Into Place

I know you try your very best every day. I see you striving diligently to work hard, be thoughtful, and be fruitful. Thank you, My child, for your dedicated service to Me and My kingdom. Some think all of this hard work only brings rewards in heaven. I tell you that you can expect good things as soon as in this day ahead – not because it was “earned”, but because I desire your happiness. Awareness of My constant Presence with you is all you need to find true peace.  From there, happiness can fall into place. Find Me in your midst, joyfully awaiting your attention and companionship.


Allow Space for Things to be Messy

Remember that your “best” is good enough. You don’t have to strive for perfection or aim to tie up all the loose ends today. One day, one piece at a time. Allow space for some things to be messy, cluttered, and piled up. You were never designed to take care of everything all at once. Find your joy again in sitting with Me next to your piles. It’s okay. We will make our way through.

Find Better Balance

I see how fatigued you get. That busy head of yours is almost always in over-drive. Park the car for a second and check in with Me. Is everything you are trying to do really a priority when you pass it by My scrutiny? What can you let go of, delegate, or set-aside for another day? Find better balance today by coming to Me to sort things out. I can give you clarity and focus. Remember that I continually offer peace to you. Stop and receive My Grace-filled gift.

Don’t Let the Task-Master Rule

There is much to be said for slowing down. In a fast-paced world there is little room for awareness of My Presence and My reign over you and all of life. Don’t let the task-master ways in you rule. Step back, often, and pause to listen – acknowledging My ways and recognizing My deep love for you. Be especially mindful of that today. Let Me bring peace back to your heart and mind.