Patient Endurance

No matter what discomfort you may be experiencing, you can still be calm. Patient endurance is a gift I can help you with. Loving Me and honoring My wishes doesn’t mean life will be pain-free, but I can assure you it will always be manageable. Make that your aim – to feel happy about how well you are managing despite any hardships. Pat yourself on the back for already enduring many challenges. I am pleased with how you embrace life’s difficulties with a positive and hopeful outlook, and I will help you do just that when you are still struggling . I am with you and for you, always.

#becalm; #youcandoit; #positiveoutlook; #Godshelp

When You Are Ready For A Change

Some find the wait to be too hard. They turn away from Me, thinking I am not at work supporting the lifestyle they want. In their pursuit of a lifestyle other than what I intended for them, many find this to not really be satisfying or uplifting after all. You can trust Me in the tasks I lay before you right now, no matter how complex, challenging, or mundane they may seem. As you grow to trust that I am at work in your life , I will transition you after you are finished attending to the present. When you are actually ready for change, I will make it happen. You can choose to trust Me in ALL your ways. 

#trustinGod; #waitforit; #changeisgonnahappen; #worththewait

Be Slow to Judge

Be slow to judge. We have a world full of people’s opinions, and it is in one’s nature to assess people or situations as “good” or “bad”, “right” or “wrong”. My teaching is different. I ask only for love. Love first, and then any judgment can be properly filtered into how to respond. I also teach you to love yourself first, and recognize the constant barrage of self-criticism within attacking you, trying to lead you astray. For some, this respect and love for self or others comes very hard. Their tendency is to lash out against love due to past hurts. Remember with these that love can still endure and even triumph. Love fuels compassion, patience, and endurance. If you learn to trust Me in these matters, My Grace can aid in bringing healing from poor judgment and misguided actions. Persist in doing Good.

#notyourstojudge; #bekind; #bekindtoyourself; #lovewins

The Art of Being Hopeful

I have so much in store for you! But unlike a child whose anticipation makes them cry out, “I can’t wait!”, – I ask you to be a mature adult who has come to know the importance of waiting. You can still anticipate great outcomes. That is how hope works. Keep your eyes focused on the glorious horizon of all good things to come. Some may even occur in this day ahead! Yes, practice the art of being hopeful. Turn away from negative thinking. Patiently accept each task before you today, secretly knowing the ultimate truth: that I am yours and you are Mine for all times.

#behopeful; #goodthingsinstore; #nomoreanxiety; #Godhastheplan

The Ideas Will Come

Be patient; the ideas will come. I love to feed your thoughts with new things – GOOD things. I Am the Great Creator, designing and weaving images and messages to inspire all around…just listen for them. When it is the right time, I will provide you with all you need to concentrate on and do. Trust Me all the while, even in the waiting, for I am trustworthy and will come through.

#creativity; #listen; #trustGod

You Will Find Me Here

Your head is full but with empty direction. How I long to meet you in both your empty and overly anxious places, providing fulfillment and connection in a way that restores and calms you. I am here, seeking your attention and pursuing you with love. If only you would turn your face to Me – how I delight when you choose to do so! Let Me lavish you with total acceptance and deep love. Return to Me and give me your full attention. You will find Me here, waiting patiently all along. I will show you the way to go.

#nomoreanxiety; #Godishere; #youareloved

Walk Boldly With Me

You are ready, – more ready than you know. I always wait to assign you major tasks until I know you are prepared. Trust Me. Acknowledge Me. Give a silent, humble nod in My direction as you step onto the podium of this new year ahead, bowing with awareness of My Sovereignty over your life. You can be keenly aware of My Presence, giving you the confidence to speak and the patience to listen well. You are Mine, – forever and always, – first and foremost. Walk boldly with Me, confident in how I’ve prepared you for the tasks to be completed by you.

#selfconfidence; #GodsPlan; #youcandoit

The Speed of Activity

You’ve got plenty going on right now. Whether it’s slowing down or ramping up, let Me be the one who leads the pace. You’ve heard “timing is everything”, and “God-speed”. Let these phrases boost you with enough energy or patience to do what’s needed  just for today. Really try staying in the present, trusting My timing and the speed of activity required of you. You don’t have to be intimidated when things are moving fast, nor do you have to feel agonized when life moves too slow for your taste. This is the perfect time to breathe in trust and exhale confidence in Me. Together with Me, it will all be just right.

What This Day Calls For

You may not quite be ready for bigger steps yet. I know you want to rush ahead to My glorious plans for you, but sometimes I pull in the reins so you can attend to smaller things first. My way is grand, with a cumulative effect on the ultimate design. Continue your practice of listening to Me daily. While taking in only 24-hour doses of time, I will place opportunities, conversations, and dreams within your reach when it is My timing to do so. Be attentive to what this day calls for, and simply that alone will be sufficient. There’s no need to rush. You will see it all come together throughout your lifespan. For now, tend My sheep. 

Trust Me Even Without the Answers

I know you are waiting for something “profound” to be spoken to you. You look to Me for grounding and direction, and I will do both things. First, be rooted in My word and My love. From there you will be compelled to move in the right direction. You might not recognize it in advance, and planner-that-you-are wants all the answers up front. You can trust Me even without the answers. Let Me guide you slowly. Read My words and work on knowing love. Starting from there, the rest will fall into place.