Peaceful Presence Between Each Breath

I have much to teach you about finding peace and comfort. Life certainly causes all sorts of pain: emotionally, physically, socially. The thing about My peace, though, is it is available even in the midst of really hard things. When life’s circumstances hurt or scare you, draw in to hear My voice. I love you and I am with you. Healing can and will come. Inhale confidence and exhale doubt. Find My Peace through awareness of My constant loving Presence between each breath.

#findpeace; #nomoreanxiety; #whenlifegetshard; #Godisthere

Familiar Places of Hurt

I am familiar with all the places you hurt and all the things that stir up your anxiety. Come to Me anyway, even though things don’t feel great all the time. Come to Me and find that just for a moment, perhaps, all feels well and manageable. Allow that glimmer of hope to squeak through the cracks of those hard, cold walls of pain or fear. Whisper this truth: I am with you in all things. Nothing will be too much to bear. Let Me comfort you with an attentive reassurance that you are never, ever alone in your suffering.

#managingpain; #nomoreanxiety; #youcandoit; #Godunderstands

What to Attend to

Be an observer today. Take notice of others, your surroundings and also of yourself. Notice your physical reactions, – aches, pains, and thoughts, – without judging them as “good” or “bad”. As you take stock of things, I will help you determine what needs action and what to attend to first. The rest can wait. I want your wellness as much as you do. By being observant, accepting, and kind toward yourself it will help you do so with others, as well. I need you in this day, and you need Me to help figure out what to do with whatever is in front of you. Let’s enter it hand in hand.

#Godwillhelpsortitout; #nomoreanxiety; #youcandoit; #wellnessfirst

Patient Endurance

No matter what discomfort you may be experiencing, you can still be calm. Patient endurance is a gift I can help you with. Loving Me and honoring My wishes doesn’t mean life will be pain-free, but I can assure you it will always be manageable. Make that your aim – to feel happy about how well you are managing despite any hardships. Pat yourself on the back for already enduring many challenges. I am pleased with how you embrace life’s difficulties with a positive and hopeful outlook, and I will help you do just that when you are still struggling . I am with you and for you, always.

#becalm; #youcandoit; #positiveoutlook; #Godshelp

Blanket of Love

Wrap yourself in My blanket of love and allow Me to warm you to your core. Be released from the discomforting chill of worry, stress, pain, and unrest. Wrap it tightly, and take enough time under it to allow Me to work on you. I can recharge you, soften your edges, and refocus your mind if you elect to stay here long enough. You can put it on anytime throughout the day and feel its medicinal effects on your spirit.

#nomoreanxiety; #youareloved; #berecharged; #refocusyourmind

Letting Go of Your Grip

I see all things and know all things. Your pain, sorrow, worries – nothing goes unnoticed by Me. I never dismiss your experiences as trivial or undeserving of My full attention. My great affection for you results in My mighty hand  at work orchestrating people and plans to assist you with next steps. Turn your cares and concerns for yourself and others over to Me, then work on letting go of your grip and trying to control the outcomes. Trust that all will result in good things under My control. I bring comfort and energy to sustain you.

#Godnotices; #alliswell; #trustinGod; #nomoreanxiety

Elect to Rise Above

All people are carrying some measure of pain. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, everyone has been hurt or injured somewhere along the line. Some choose to live with intense focus on the discomfort or injustice of it all. Being stuck in the mire isn’t good long-term. Others elect to rise above it, looking for insights into how this can make them more compassionate or how it makes them grow stronger. Be one of those resilient ones today who acknowledges and validates the pain but also moves on. Be the one expressing hope and encouragement for better days. In other words, be My Light and speak My truth. I extend opportunities for peace to all.

#riseabove; #beresilient; #encourageeachother

Let Me Intervene

There are many people suffering in this world. I have given you a compassionate heart, which makes you willing to see and sense the pain of others. Be ready to validate their experience. It’s not yours to fix, though. Let Me intervene. I recognize what all is going on, and I send help. Allow Me to be the One to mend the broken-hearted. Consider, perhaps, that your kind and attentive listening assists with that healing. No more than that is required.

#youareenough; #listenup; #bekind; #notyourstofix

Two-Way Street

I see your pain and hear your thoughts. Keep talking to Me. This is a two-way street. You don’t have to feel like the conversation is only one-sided, as if I am merely a God who listens but never responds. I ‘get’ you more than you realize; you don’t have to convince Me of your needs or intentions. I am aware of all the frailty and vulnerability you carry inwardly. Believe, Me, I am using your life for Goodness. I attend to every detail, loving you through all things. Hear My voice reassuring you that I am tenderly responding to your every need.

#Godhearsyou; #nomoreanxiety; #AllforGood; #youareloved