I Open Doors

Stay true to Me and to what you are passionate about. After all, I instill inspiring thoughts, and I open doors. As long as it is Me you are ultimately serving, your efforts will be fruitful. Be of good cheer even in the mundane tasks of today, for the reward later will show you efforts were worthy of time, devotion, and attention.


Let Me Be Your Comforter

I see the tears that sting your eyes in private. It’s okay to cry in front of Me. It would be unreasonable to expect your life to be devoid of hurt or sorrow because real pain happens. When tears stem from grief or worry, let Me help with that. I will sit with you as long as you need until your breathing slows and your guard lets down. Let Me be your protector, comforter, and guide. You’ll never have to face anything alone. Lean into My loving Presence and know with confidence that I’ll help get you through.

Brace Yourself

Quiet yourself, then brace yourself. I have definite plans for you which you do not know or cannot see clearly yet. I am definitely guiding this process, so release your cares to Me. I know it take such an act of faith to simply trust Me in all the unknowns. Draw near to Me and ready yourself to receive. You don’t have to know everything right now. I’ll share bits and pieces as you are ready. Seek Me and find Me already in your midst today. Even though you don’t trust the current circumstances around you, you can find confident trust within My plans in store for you.

The Act of Humbling Yourself

In your areas of weakness, I am strong. In your flaws, I am present to help guide you onto higher ground, with sure footing. The act of humbling yourself means that in areas where you do not have mastery or self-control, you can recognize the need for My help and choose to allow Me to work on your troubles with you. I help best if you posture yourself in such a way that submits to My will and My design for you, which is perfect. The with-God life requires a humble stance with daily acknowledgement of your need for Me. Being humble doesn’t mean beating yourself up or lacking in esteem. You can have confidence as you learn to lean on Me and live off of My Grace, given freely to you. I know you well and love you even with flaws and imperfections. Show your need for Me so that I can give you your daily bread, sufficient to meet all your needs.

Tell Them

Others have their eye on you, – watching with curiosity how you live a with-God life instilled with such confidence and hope. Tell them. Tell them how you know Me and how trustworthy I am. Tell them they can know Me, too. Tell them how I understand their pain like no other can: intimately and compassionately, – and how I heal. Tell them that My Light outshines and overpowers any darkness they are experiencing. My love rules with kindness and forgiveness. Tell them how I listen, and I know every detail of their struggles as well as their joys. Reassure them that I have Good plans in store. I am Your God. I am theirs, too. Speak truth to those who will listen in a hungry world.

Release the Pressure of What-Ifs

As you stop long enough to truly listen for Me, My Grace sweeps in like the rush of fresh air when you crack open a window. The heat of tension and stress escapes out a little at the same time. I aim to soothe you as much as to guide you. I call you to peace. Find balance by slowing your pace and accepting today as it is. Release the pressure of “what-ifs” and “how to’s”, aiming to be present in the moment and trusting My work in your life. Take one thing at a time and crack that window open as often as you can remember to breathe. I am with you and there for you.

Being Light-Hearted

Sometimes being “lighthearted” takes a conscious effort. When life is discouraging, choosing to believe in My ability to help you overcome can be hard. Choose belief today anyway. Defiantly stand in the face of all that seeks to overwhelm you and say, “My God is bigger than this!” I am a trustworthy and loving God who notices and attends to every detail of your life. You can aim your face to My Light of hope and let it fill your heart with courage to get through the day. There is joy up ahead, and reason to be Light-hearted yet today.

Laugh Out Loud

Today, listen to My sincere call to you to slow your pace. I ask you to release these fervent efforts to always be on top of ‘tackling the next thing’. Instead, enjoy the present moment. I want to see you laugh out loud, or listen joyfully and open your eyes in wonder, amazement, and appreciation of My beauty placed in your surroundings. Morning light dancing through the leaves, bird song, the smell of green apples or fresh laundry. The work will still get done in due time. Hear Me beckoning you in small moments as you proceed through your day, and at the end, take time to recall our vivid encounters. Relax, enjoying My Peaceful Presence with you.

Alert In The Present

Why do you fill your head with anxious thoughts, problems to analyze, and preparing for things that haven’t even arisen as concerns yet? You spend so much energy planning ahead for things that never happen. Try practicing being alert in the present today instead. Notice the play of light outside your window. Feel the cool air coming inside. Take in each sound: clock ticking, birds calling, dog barking, the ceiling fan. Notice the variety of colors and textures as you move your eyes to slowly scan left to right. In quiet observance of things around you, you can take your mind off the “to-do list” and see the calming effect being with Me in the present can bring.  Now, thank Me for the with-God life you have readily available at your fingertips. Go in peace.


Many people struggle to accept their worthiness of My unconditional love. I will move mountains to show how much I desire to be with you and in you. You are lovely to Me, and worthy of My time and attention. is that so hard to believe? Today is a great day to praise Me and sit in grateful devotion. Push your mountains of worries, doubt, and distractions to one side and let’s meet in the middle of the ravine, basking in Light and Love for a while. Weep with Me. Release your cares fully to Me because I understand. You needn’t be ashamed of your tears. Know that I understand your sadness and humility as well as your awe, then allow My gentle touch on your whole life in praise and gratitude today.