Aim To Move On

Even on gray days, life can be wonderful. It might take a little effort to shift your attitude from “woe is me” to “Hey! There’s opportunity for Good things to happen today!” Open yourself to possibility. Spend a little time dreaming about or imagining happy experiences. Just the thought of them alone can lift your spirit. Pause and be grateful for something. You don’t have to fret about days-gone-by. Aim to move on and more forward. I am driving the plan, and there are always Good things in store. Believe Me.

#goodthingsinstore; #attitudeofgratitude; #imagine; #nomoreanxiety

Start with Calming Reassurance

You can rely on Me. No matter what you are facing today or in the days ahead, I am right there with you. Grasp My hand and hold tight to steady yourself instead of giving in to old habits of anxiety and worry. I want happiness for you, starting with calming reassurance. Anxiety stems from mistakenly thinking you won’t have whatever it takes to move through life’s experiences, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. I will equip and sustain you with more than enough for what you need. Trust Me in this truth and in My love for you, which is always there to steady you.

#RelyonGod; #youcandoit; #equipped; #nomoreanxiety

Imagine Positive Encounters

Picture delightful things coming your way. Imagine positive and joyful encounters, and set your mind up to receive and be part of them. Setting the stage for Goodness to arrive like this is important. If you can work on releasing undue anxiety and posturing yourself for happier experiences, the outcomes will bear much fruit. My reign is one that calls for peace on earth, so picture that happening as a result of all your activities today. After all, I am the peace-giver and I will be generous with you.

#Goodthingsarecomingyourway; #receivejoy; #positivity; #peaceonearth

Practice Allowing Yourself to Be Happy

I have paved a new path ahead for you. Every day that you practice releasing anxiety and slowing your pace, life becomes more manageable. Trusting in Me like this is a freeing thing. Now, the next step is to practice allowing yourself to be happy and content. It’s been a lifetime of stress and obligations which led you into false beliefs and unnecessary habits of constant pressure, worry, and unhappiness. I can unravel those tendencies, teaching you a life of ease instead as you trust in My healing hand outstretched to support you. Believe in My Goodness and picture happy things in store, then watch them unfold into reality. 

#nomoreanxiety; #trustinGod; #pressureoff; #behappy

Aim for a Positive Perspective

You have no idea what I have in store for you today. Look for the element of surprise. Enjoy the little bright spots I offer along the way. They are there; you just have to look for them by aiming for a positive perspective. I delight in you and I wish to give you Good things to cling to with a hopeful and happy heart. Set your sights high.

#lookfortheGood; #positivity; #Goodthingsinstore; #nomoreanxiety

I Hear Your Deepest Wishes

I hear your deepest wishes. I long for you to find your ultimate fulfillment with Me, but I also know your human nature. Know that I have planted both kinds of desires in you and it’s OK to find pleasure in earthly things! Drink in the Light, atmosphere, sounds, and people I put in your path today. Be open to My love-song, and receive it with confidence that you are loved and will always be well cared for by Me. Be careful not to turn these experiences into an idol, though. Seek Me first and all else will fall into place with My hand upon your life. Find blessing in the gifts of today, knowing you are worthy of being the love of My life.

#youareworthy; #goodthingscomingyourway; #receiveGodslove; #youareloved

Erase Those Old Tapes

You don’t have to get caught up in old ways of stressing out. Truly, I intend for your life to be much easier than you make it with all that endless worry. I can help erase those old tapes that have you constantly preparing and planning for the worst-case scenario. Instead, let’s concentrate on picturing things going well. Imagine hopeful things, and focus on them working out well. Then, go and live it out, allowing yourself to enjoy a life of greater ease and freedom from unnecessary angst. If others are not ready to be on board with you, shake the dust from your feet and move on. You are allowed to live a life with happy outcomes. In fact, I want that for you!

#livethelifeyoudreamof; #nomoreanxiety; #erasenegativethoughts; #bestcasescenario

Permission to Enjoy

Give yourself permission to enjoy things. There is no need to feel guilty or undeserving when good things come your way. I want you to experience joy and happiness and a life of ease, even though all of life will not be like this. Problems, losses, and challenges inevitably cycle through, but I still want you to be happy. Look for the gifts I place at your fingertips and give a nod of thanks to Me, your loving God, who provides all that you need and abundantly more than you could ever imagine or ask for.

#behappy; #enjoylife; #givethanks; #Godprovides

Things Can, Do, and Will Work Out

You fret about a lot of unnecessary things, picturing the worst-case scenario and bracing anxiously for the unknown.  I call you to address this habit and intentionally change your thought process. When you catch yourself building worries, – STOP. Remind yourself that I am a loving God who is taking care of you and has Good plans in store. Remind yourself you are loved, loving, and capable, and then say, “I trust you Lord. Things will work out in the end. They have before and they will again, because you are caring for Me and my situation.” Things can, do, and will work out. Choose to believe, and allow yourself to live life with greater ease and happiness.

#nomoreanxiety; #thingswillworkout; #calmingthoughts; #GodhasGoodPlans

Capable of Being at Peace

You are full of valid feelings and emotions, yet you are so hard on yourself, judging yourself too critically. I made you capable of being at peace. You are loving and loved! As you treat yourself with tenderness, the emotions that surface will be freed. With practice you can learn to offer yourself better self-acceptance. Once you do that, laughter will well up more freely. Let Me pour out My Grace on you, soothing the anxiety and washing away tension. Allow yourself to picture and live a life of happiness and ease. You can trust and believe that this is actually what I want for you.

#nomoreanxiety; #learntoloveyourself; #Peaceisavailable; #livewithease