See the Light Through the Trees

You can do it. I know life feels like a lot lately, but it is not more than you can handle. See the light breaking through the trees? You know what that means! I have not abandoned you in a dark forest. No. I will light your path, always. I need you, and I rely on your steadfast faith to show others the way, too. Be true to that, and also gentle with yourself. Take today’s tasks in balance, allowing others to help. Part of what I call you to do is lead others in their own roles. They are growing, too, which is a lovely thing.


When You’re Feeling “Off”

When you feel a little sick or “off”, come to Me. Drink from My well of refreshment and healing. Take the load off your shoulders and sit with Me for a while. As you linger here, I will gently help you cope. Remember, I care about your every need. Move slower on these days, – just one step at a time is all that is needed. Before you know it, this challenge will have passed. I am with you and for you, always.

#bewell; #slowdown; #Godcares; #thiswillpass

Not Hectic All the Time

Pay attention to your body today. Notice the signals for when it needs a break or wants you to cut yourself some slack. Rest is just as important as exercise, good nutrition, and hydration. Everything in checks and balances. Take time to move, but also carve out time for slowing and mindfulness. You can have both in your routine, you know. Ask for My help when life feels hard or even before it becomes overwhelming. It doesn’t have to feel hectic all the time.

#slowdown; #takeabreak; #bekindtoyourself; #nomoreanxiety

Start with Calming Reassurance

You can rely on Me. No matter what you are facing today or in the days ahead, I am right there with you. Grasp My hand and hold tight to steady yourself instead of giving in to old habits of anxiety and worry. I want happiness for you, starting with calming reassurance. Anxiety stems from mistakenly thinking you won’t have whatever it takes to move through life’s experiences, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. I will equip and sustain you with more than enough for what you need. Trust Me in this truth and in My love for you, which is always there to steady you.

#RelyonGod; #youcandoit; #equipped; #nomoreanxiety

Move Into the Passenger Seat

All is well. Even in times that feel chaotic and busy, this can still be a foundational truth. The true bottom line is that I am in control, and I make all things work together unto Good. Sometimes you have to move over and let Me drive, though. Life could be easier for you if you allowed yourself to rest comfortably in My passenger seat. Don’t be mistaken by thinking you have to plan for and control everything all the time. Try the ride from the passenger seat today and see what I mean.

#Godisincontrol; #alongfortheride; #learntorest; #easierlife

Unnecessary Anxiety

You’ve lived a life filled with constant concerns, some of which are real and valid. Other times they cause you unnecessary panic and anxiety, with you running at a hectic and frantic pace. I am leading you into a new era! There is a time for everything, and now is the time for peace within. Learn the art of slowing. Engage with each moment presented to you, training yourself in the discipline of attending to one thing at a time.  Take notice of all that I am doing in, through, and around you as you sit back in a wondrous stance absorbing the marvelous view. All is well when you really stop to think about it. Stop with all the relentless striving and take stock in the goodness and calming I am offering to replenish your soul. I call you when you are needed, but I also give you rest. Simply be thankful.

#nomoreanxiety; #stopstrivingtoohard; #liveinthemoment; #bethecalm

Trying to Be So On Top of Things

There will be time enough for everything. You get so tangled up in worries that you’ll forget an important detail, trying to be so on top of things all the time. Its exhausting watching you strive this way, often mistaking your regimens as being what I ask of you. I call for BALANCE. Rest is part of that balance. You don’t have to fear not being ‘productive’ all the time. Come play with Me and take time to attend to all the facets of yourself. It all fits into My grand plan for you. Find me as you rediscover what you love and unearth treasures you forgot you had all along.

#findyourjoy; #nomoreanxiety; #findbalance; #comeoutandplay

Rest for Your Body, Soul and Mind

You require more rest and balance. For some people this comes naturally and easily, but others like you have to work hard to establish boundaries and carve out time for rest. It may mean setting boundaries with others or boundaries against your relentless self that is so driven to accomplishment and perfection. Ask Me what is most needed today, and acknowledge the places you are vulnerable. I am not a harsh task-master driving you until you are weary in your bones. Don’t let exhaustion overcome you. Find rest for your body, soul and mind with My help. Remember that My first call invites you to peace.

#findrest; #setboundaries; #bekindtoyourself; #youdonthavetobesoperfect

Move at a Relaxed Pace

I am a God of leisure, just as I am a God of work. Take time to notice things around you as you move at a relaxed pace. When you are too busy and hurried, you may miss all the tender gifts I have placed within your sight and reach. Work on silencing your thoughts and listening with all of your senses from time to time. Why do you push yourself so hard? Find the balance I intended for your life and nourish your soul.

#takeiteasy; #slowdown; #findbalance; #nourishyoursoul

Attentive to Needs Beyond Your Own

Today I ask you to concentrate on doing good things for others. It takes effort to listen well, being focused and attentive to needs beyond your own. If you take one interaction at a time, by the end of the day you will be able to see that what was accomplished was enough. Take periods of rest, too. It’s okay to not overextend yourself. I am teaching you dependence upon Me, and learning to pace yourself is part of that education. I desire for you to live in peace, and not to be taking on too much that will overwhelm you. All is and can be well.

#listenup; #youareenough; #leanonGod; #nomoreanxiety